REFNUM: 6750
Description: A prop Borg body featured in Star Trek VII: First Contact during scenes following the release of drive plasma coolant in the “U.S.S. Enterprise-E” engineering section. The item is a molded foam rubber body composed of Borg themed ‘armor’ and a variety of tubing and wires. The item is meant to depict the remains of a body bereft of its biological components. It was located and photographed lying down in its custom wooden crate, the joints are not rigid and the item is meant to appear as a jumbled mass. One foot looks to have been removed, the item measures approx. 65 inches tall and is generally man sized.
Sold by: IAW | 2008 Feb, 17 | Price: $ 510.99 | (+Premium): N/A |
Photo by It's A Wrap!
Photo by It's A Wrap!
Photo by It's A Wrap!
Photo by It's A Wrap!
Photo by It's A Wrap!
Photo by It's A Wrap!
Photo by It's A Wrap!