Star Trek Auction Listings

IAW #1720


53afb43d5c36c43d4b2135c20c408a8a 734645eabd0610dfa04de191fa97ba1c 4deffe8973b0c25e473e0a00fc675523 87b4a759c814f643b797ed7f42a6b06e 71dc6cf51460bc7a85a24b92b9463923

eBay Listing

EBAY#: 140086948885 START: 2007-02-16 13:58:00 (week 10)
END: 2007-02-23 13:58:00
BIDS: 22PRICE: $361.66assumedsuccess
A gray woman's costume top with dark gray multi-layer pants. The top is open necked and comes to a low “V” in the front with a zip up the back, and the pants feature sewn on thrashed material. The costume is made to appear distressed due to difficult survival conditions on ‘Ceti Alpha V’ and thus features a high degree of burned in scorch marks and holes, with tears and rips. The costumer’s tag reads ‘Star Trek II, Nancy Rogers as Khan’s Woman, Chg. #2, sc. 45-100, sc. 55-216, originally double to chg. #1. Pam Bennet.’

Back-links to Memory-Alpha

Nanci Rogers