Star Trek Auction Listings

IAW #4038


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eBay Listing

EBAY#: 140131570899 START: 2007-06-22 14:10:00 (week 28)
END: 2007-06-29 14:10:00
BIDS: 21PRICE: $3939.00assumedsuccess
A large, full sized Borg alcove created for either exposition or on screen use. The item is a steel framed Borg Alcove with wood backed vacuum formed accents painted a variety of metallic colors, with an attached housing for a plasma disk at the top, and a sturdy plastic grate stand at the bottom. The alcove is freestanding on its steel frame, the base features a wire mesh around the standing grate, the back is adorned with a full length vacuum form, the center features vacuum forms backed by cut wood, and the sides are also covered by vacuum forms. This style of alcove became prevalent during Star Trek VIII: First Contact and continued to be used through most of Star Trek: Voyager. The item measures approx. 36 X 95.5 X 32 inches.